Dr Matthew Bland (ISJC)

Visiting Senior Fellow in Crime and Policing

Research Directorate

Dr Matthew Bland is an Associate Professor in Evidence Based Policing and Deputy Director of the Police Executive Programme. He is a Fellow of the Jerry Lee Centre of Experimental Criminology and Elected Fellow of the Academy of Experimental Criminology. He has published books on crime analysis, experimental research designs and domestic abuse and is actively engaged in a variety of research projects.  He is the Trial Director for the Ministry of Justice’s domestic abuse polygraph pilot and was appointed by the Policing Minister to be the Independent Chairperson for the Technical Reference Group responsible for revising the police funding allocation formula.  Until 2018 he was Head of Strategic Analysis for Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies, and worked as a police staff member for 15 years.  Dr Bland gained his PhD from the University of Cambridge Institute of Criminology and is a former graduate of the Police Executive Programme.  Forecasting, domestic abuse and analysis of police recorded crime are among his research interests.